Tag: Sonnets

  • Whispers of Ashes- Priyangshu

    She was disappearing into ashes, The ashes never settled; they flowed. Somewhere much far but close, Transcending time and Cassandra’s prose. She roams in the shadows of happiness, she spreads. In the shadows of love, she gives. Far from humanity’s deceptive guise, Her tranquil soul flies. Her memories linger in presence, Her fragile life’s reminiscence,…

  • A memo on progress- Alex Diaz

    with progress //anything is possible //though possibility never-assured //we can be infinite //infinite energy //eternal science //and minds devoted //perfection can never change //thus we remain perfect //all things are sublime //and humans shan’t differ // with progress //we have become dead //so let us celebrate – celebrate our lovely deaths //yet we have become…

  • Hope- Priyangshu

    No bothers linger,No shadows to fear,In your embrace,Solitude draws near.Days of betrayal,And of hate,You were my only hope,My heaven’s gate. City’s tapestry, relentless and loud,Echoes of chaos in the bustling crowd.In the busy roads that horned again,It left fellows striving to regain. Sitting back at night,And alone with my thoughts,The moon becomes my tranquil space,The…